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2024-25 Agricultural Vehicle, Equipment,
and Infrastructure Survey

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​The Air Resources Board (CARB) and California Energy Commission are working along with California Farm Bureau on 2025 Agricultural Vehicle, Equipment, and Infrastructure Survey. This survey will continue to support incentive programs, air quality planning efforts at CARB, and can help inform energy and infrastructure planning at CEC and CPUC for future electrification needs across the state. The 2025 agricultural survey covers all on-road vehicles and off-road (mobile) agricultural equipment of all fuel types, including electric equipment, used by producers in the field, custom operators, and first processing facilities.


Receiving accurate and representative data across the state and from different commodities is incredibly critical to painting the right picture for CARB and others about energy needs. The data will be modeled by the Energy Commission and then used by utilities for future planning around grid upgrades. Be prepared the survey will take approximately 30 minutes and requires input of your equipment, etc. 


Results from the previous survey informed the distribution of hundreds of millions of dollars of subsequent incentive funding across California, including state, federal and regional incentive programs. As before, all of the data is anonymous and confidential, and identifying information will never be seen by a government body. A Spanish version of the survey will be available in January. The survey will be open until February 21, 2025. 

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